
Monday, January 3, 2011

The pre Marathon experience

Oh what a journey. I sit here 6 days away from my first Marathon. It's all I've been thinking about the past 2 weeks. I've logged 335 miles (50 hrs) since I started training in September. Ran 16, 18 and 20 mile runs.

Everything was going great until Thanksgiving 6 weeks ago. That's when the load came untied.

(Week 1 net miles: 0/40)I ran zero miles that week ZERO. I didn't get it done. I was on vacation and made excuses.

(Week 2 net miles: 17.3/38) I was going to make it up the following week, which started out well, but ended abruptly with the seasons first snow storm. I should have ran in the snow. I should have gotten it done. I didn't. I hoped the snow would go away.

(Week 3 net miles: 13.5/45)I hoped all week. It didn't. I was lazy. I refused the treadmill. As Saturday approached I knew I had to get my long run in. It had to get done. I braved the snow and ice. I struggled on the run and ended up straining my left foot.

(Week 4 net miles: 13.2/48) It took the entire week for my foot to heal enough to run again. So now it's Saturday again. Feeling the pressure of only a single run the previous week I pushed through the snow and ice again completing only 13 of a 20 mile planned run.

(Week 5 net miles: 0/25)Another week for my foot to heal and it's Saturday and Christmas... Learning from the last few weeks mistakes I take the day off.

(Week 6 net miles: 3/25) Knowing the marathon is quickly approaching I cautiously go out for a run extremely thankful for the back to back warm days that melted all of the snow and ice. I ran on hard surface and it felt good.

So here I am Monday of the final week. Sunday, Jan. 9th, is the day. I did a 6.5 mile run at my previous marathon pace and was lucky to finish it. My aerobic fitness is shot. The good news is my endurance isn't. My legs have never felt stronger. Am I ready? I don't know. Will I meet my goal time? I'm not even going to try, finish is the goal. Will my foot hold up? I don't know. It's scary and depressing all at the same time.

Here are my key learning moments from a first time Marathon trainer. My previous experience is 2 half marathons and a couple 10 mile races. Prior to marathon training I was running 20 - 26 miles a week. I upped it to 30 - 35 for Marathon training.

#1. Marathon training takes serious commitment. Seriously. Don't miss your runs. Don't try and work around them. Don't take vacations during. Let your loved ones know you are going to be fairly absent and why. Limit races to key training dates and make sure the races are longer distance ones like 10K - 25K

#2. When you can't run your scheduled miles run whatever you can. Even if it's a lot shorter. some running is better than no running.

#3. A winter marathon is a bad idea if you live in the upper states. For obvious reasons.

#4. Cross training could have saved me. I have access to a pool, a track, a treadmill, a stationary bike and an elliptical. I just failed.

#5. Take a decent break before you begin marathon training. I overloaded. I went into training tired and overrun. This lead to lack of motivation see #4 and fatigue.

I'm very certain I could have run the 3:45 I was targeting if I would of had a better training series. I was feeling very confident in the middle of the training. Infact so confident I was going to up the goal to 3:30. Even though I say my goal is to finish I desperately want to finish in under 4 hours. I can't shake it. I can be told - just finish. I will be lucky if I can - just finish, but if I break 4 hours I won't have to run one again. I only want to do this once. I know better than to say never, but it will be a whole lot easier if I can hit that one goal. Heaven help me if I don't finish at all...

1 comment:

  1. Have a good race. Don't start to fast, follow your pace group and enjoy the ride. It's quite an experience running a marathon.
