
Monday, November 7, 2011

Motivation Mountains

    The more I've pursued a healthy lifestyle the
more I've realized there is this motivation mountain you have to overcome and much like running over a huge hill. You need enough strength stamina to get up the hill, but then you still need a good amount  in reserves to comeback down and start up the next one. It's in that downhill that we lose our footing and go tumbling head over feet into a hot mess at the bottom broken and twisted with little interest in getting back up to continue on.

As with anything difficult you want to accomplish you have to face the mountains. Simply wanting something bad enough is not enough to guarantee a successful journey up all the hills.There are a lot of things I want badly. With some of them I have attempted the mountain only to lose my footing and end up in that broken twisted mess in the valley. Desire is not enough.
I have beaten a few mountains. I've quit smoking, lost weight, and re-gained control of my finances. Those experiences taught me that when you tumble down you have to get up and get moving again no matter how battered and bruised you are or how many mistakes you've made. I've learned that it's great to have support along the way, but ultimately you have to do the work to get there. I've learned that as long as you don't quit and give up that you CAN make it up and over. I've learned that with each success comes confidence that you can overcome the next mountain you decide to climb. It's really a matter of perseverance. During marathon training I wanted to quit several times. Things just weren't working out. The weather wouldn't cooperate, work was hectic and I was dealing with some nagging injuries. I forced myself to continue. It took some doing and I failed a lot during training. I gave up on runs. I cut other runs short. I didn't do the planned mileage, but because I didn't give up I made it. I finished. I beat the mountain.

I'm in the valley of a couple mountains right now. I have the desire. I have the want. I have the ability. I have the confidence. I just gotta do it. Here's my list for accountability:

  •  Complete my trainer certification
  • Trim off a few more pounds and really lean out
  •  Log some volunteer hours


  1. Love this part...

    "Those experiences taught me that when you tumble down you have to get up and get moving again no matter how battered and bruised you are or how many mistakes you've made."

    I've spent too much time wallowing in my frustration over where I was and where I am and where I should be.

  2. I was just thanking God the other morning for you and Stephanie. You've taken the knowledge and know-how you have learned and brought it to others. There's something special about a Christian motivating others to get healthy. You realize it is not what life is centered on but it's still beneficial. You have kept me from quitting. I really feel like it lately but because I knew I would see you on Sunday, I got on that treadmill and did as you instructed. Thanks for the reminder that we need to get back up again and not to give up. The hill I have in front of me at the moment is very steep. Thanks for your encouragement. I appreciate you.
