
Monday, October 25, 2010

1,000 Miles of Action

Since my return to running in 2008 I have officially logged 1,000 miles. (Thanks for pointing that out Joel). 700 of those miles have been from this year alone. I got off to a pretty slow start with injuries early on in '08 and '09. Thankfully things have really come together in '10.

As much as I love running it's taken a lot of motivation and dedication to actually run those miles. Especially this marathon training ugh!! The love of the sport has lead me to read all kinds of running books, websites, articles and blogs. I've watched countless video's on the sport. I've learned about our bodies bio mechanics and physiology. I know all kinds of training regimen's for any distance you want to train for, and don't even get me started on all my nutritional knowledge! Yes, I am a running guru. Not a master guru by any means but a guru. Because not only do I have the knowledge, but I have the wisdom of actual experience to go with it.

So, recently I've been bitten by this action bug. The social network has been pretty annoying to me lately. With all the copy pasta this for 1 hour, or if you support, or 93% of you won't etc... Come on! It's great that you support some cause, but really. If you want to show support do something more than work your pinkie finger and forefinger to hit ctrl C, ctrl V and push the update status button. Find some way to take action or get involved. Use your God given time, treasure and talents.
Then there's the inspirational quotes. I do love those, but again. They are feel good, warm and fuzzy moments. That really don't do a thing for anyone. Don't get me wrong. The whole social scene isn't all bad. I do enjoy keeping up with friends family and acquaintances. I just think the world could use a little less rehashed thought and a lot more action.

I do have a point I'm going to get to. I just need to put a few more puzzle pieces in so you can understand the picture even if the puzzle isn't finished yet. Tying back into this social network thing and action is this post that my pastor put up on his blog that he read on another blog. You can follow the chain back to the original author from here: Field Notes Today but I really like what he highlighted. It fired me up in a way I haven't been fired up in a long time. Most people will admit to being Christian. Some will even admit to going to church pretty frequently. Myself included. And we usually don't fall asleep in church. And we have scripture memorized. And we know the Gospel. And we know right from wrong. And we know how to tell other people when they are wrong. We've heard all these great sermons. We have all this great knowledge but we don't have the miles...It's all about action. If I don't put in the miles. My knowledge will not get me to the finish line by itself.

I love that running is mentioned in the Bible. Paul, the author of many books in the New Testament, says we are in a race. I have the Bible, a pastor and a church. I have the knowledge. Now it's time to start running.

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